La Leche League

There have been a few organizations that have really supported me on my journey as a mother. While I was pregnant with Big Sister a friend had told me about La Leche League. I had never heard of them up to that point. I knew I wanted to breastfeed but never knew there was an organization that was designed to help mothers be successful. I did read the book published by La Leche League, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. It was packed full with so much wonderful information. It’s an invaluable resource for any breastfeeding mother. I thoroughly recommend this book to any pregnant mom.
I did a little research and visited and located a meeting in my area. It was like finding a treasure. After Big Sister was born, I started attending the monthly meetings. I met an amazing group of ladies that I still have as friends many years later. Often mothers may feel overwhelmed in those beginning weeks and months. Making a connection with other mothers can be a lifeline in times of distress. It can also be a place of refreshment, sometimes it makes a world of difference just to know that others are having a similar experience.
The meetings follow a simple informal format. There is a topic for each meeting, a volunteer( La Leche League leader) will lead the discussion on one of four basic topics. Then there is a time to ask questions and discuss any issues related to breastfeeding. There are usually snacks and a lending library. Mothers are always encouraged to tend to their babies needs first. So no need to worry if you need to get up to change your infant or chase after your toddler. It’s a great place for pregnant moms to get some experience seeing how natural breastfeeding can be. They can see veteran moms nursing with ease and parenting with love.
After attending meetings for a few years, I became a La Leche League leader myself. I really have learned a lot from La Leche League, not only in terms of breastfeeding knowledge, but as a mother. I am now retired as a leader but have such positive feelings associated with La Leche League.
If you are pregnant for the first time, a new mom struggling with breastfeeding and/or looking for some other moms with similar experiences, La Leche League may be for you. For breastfeeding problems, they are an invaluable resource. Lactation consultants can be expensive and hard to contact when you need them. La Leche League leaders are trained, knowledgeable and free! They are mothers that have experience in breastfeeding and are willing to help. If you haven’t already checked them out, I encourage you to do so now!